Okay, everyone, so I have way too many movies I like, it would take like forever to blog them, so for right now, I'm just going to share the Top Of The list movies, the ones that are so inspiring, have good story lines, and so wonderful that no others will ever be able to match up to them, truthfully and honestly. I could watch them over and over and over and never tire of them, even though I've probably seen them a dozen times or less!
First and foremost,
The wonderful, encouraging, filling " Jesus Of Nazareth" film( probably watched about 15 times or more!) It is a excellent movie all the way through, telling the story of Jesus's life serving us, his wonderful , wholesome teaching, from before his birth to after his death till his wonderful resurrection and ending with the wonderful, never- to be forgotten lines to his disciples, before his ascension into heaven, " Lo, I am with you always until the end of the world." Those wonderful words spoken 2,000 years ago are still the same for all of us who are washed in the blood of Jesus and are following his plan for our life. I have never seen a better interpretation of Jesus, his life, family, and disciples, everything about our loving Savior who is everything to us, than this movie. It came out in 1977 and stars: Robert Powell as Jesus, Olivia Hussey as Mary, and Anne Bancroft as Mary Magdelene.
cautions: there are a few parts that are not appropriate and must be skipped, but that is the only thing.

Jesus in Jesus of Nazareth when he first meets Peter.
Next, would be Star Wars: Episode Two, Attack of the Clones. I know a lot of boys
and guys like Star Wars because of the fighting, especially my brothers, but I like it mainly for
the love story between Queen Padme Amidala and Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker. It is a sweet, cute, romance, a story of true, selfless love, and has a happy ending as well. And i would not watch it if that part was not it! But, I also enjoy the fighting
,because it makes it more exciting and there is lots of funny parts with the robots, C3P0 and R2D2, which my brothers really like. For example, Anakin is assigned to guard Padme because
being queen during a time of war and turmoil, she must go into hiding because bad guys( as my brothers would call them them) or bounty hunters are seeking her life. So that gets the movie off to a romantic
start and of course, as you can guess, while visiting at Padme's home planet, Naboo, they fall in love.
So that is basically a small view into the movie and I won't tell you any more as I don't want to spoil it,
should you ever want to watch it yourself. It is a great part of the Star Wars Saga.It was released in 1999 and stars: Hayden Christian as Anakin and Natalie Portman as Padme.
rated: PG for some fighting that may scare children
watched about: hmmm.. probably 5 times or more.

Next, there would be the amazing Anne of Green Gables. She is like me in so many ways: her imagination, dramatic funny ways. It is rather hard to describe this movie, i love it so much! but I will try to do my best. Okay, so a brother and sister, Matthew and Marilla, need to adopt a boy to help with chores, because Matthew is getting older and his doctor is advising him to rest. Well, there is a misunderstanding when sending the message to the orphanage and instead, a young, spunky, talkative 13 year old girl appears on The Cuthburts door-step. Marilla is very upset and intends to take her back right away.. She is annoyed with Anne's strange, overly talkative character and ways and does not want her. Anne is heart- broken, a orphan, who some one has never wanted and who has been treated as a burden. However, Marilla eventually realizes and begins to love Anne and to understand her hurt. She and Matthew( who loves Anne already) from the very first moment he saw her, decide to adopt Anne and then starts the wonderful story of Anne's dramatic adventures, trials, and hilarious accidents leading on the Sequel and ending movie, as Anne grows up into an accomplished, smart , lovely young woman. It was released in 1985 and stars: Megan Follows as Anne, Colleen Dewhurst as Marilla, and Richard Farnsworth as Matthew.
rated: G( GREAT for everyone!)
10 times or more!
And last of all, is the 4th all- time favorite movie, Titanic. I have loved this movie since the first time I
saw it( now, I have probably watched it half a dozen times) It is, of course, about the Titanic, from the
time it leaves till after it's tragic sinking. I have always thought the story of the Titanic was sad, intriguing and extremely interesting so I really loved this movie and thought the directors and crew did a great job making everything look real. And of course, there is a love story, between a third- class boy named Jack and a first- class girl named Rose, which I love a lot too and especially for the most romantic part, the famous flying scene. This movie is really a masterpiece and the amazing love between the couple never fails to astound me! It has a rather sad ending unlike the other movies but it is also happy in a way. It will always inspire me. It was released in 1997 and stars: Leonardo Dicapprio as Jack and Kate Winslet as Rose.
cautions: there are a few bad parts that must be skipped, but other than that, the other 90% of the movie is appropriate for people ages 12- 100, depending on your preferences for your family.
So, now that you've had a little glimpse into my little movie world, I hope you have enjoyed it and
will perhaps watch one of these movies yourself when you get the chance. They really are wonderful movies, once you get to enjoy them.