Hey everyone... just a short update on happenings at my house. School just started and as crazy as it may sound, I'm really excited about the 2012- 2013 upcoming school year. I got pretty bored at the end of July and I was ready for school again... one month before my mom. Weird... right? The truth is I'd had enough of summer break and my brothers seemed to agree. In summer, I usually read books, but I'd gotten through just about every book I get could get my hands on... not to mention writing my " Forever Love" book. July was an amazing month... I was rarely bored when I was writing. But.. August.. uggg... a different story. I found myself looking forward to the most normal things... I'd be like yippee.. when my mom said we were going grocery- shopping or to visit my Grandma, the most simplistic things.. I hated being cooped up at the house... with nothing to do... I got in very disagreeable, complaining moods.... reading was my only comfort.... everything else was dry and non - amusing. So.... this past first week of the school year has been ....... Spectacular! learning new things.. occupied from 9am- 4pm.... never bored... I enjoy free time as well of course... and spend most of it reading books... making finishing touches on my novel( I've finished it!)... or swinging on the swings. This weekend I won't be bored there.. my friend Brianna said after a few days school will tire me.. I figure she's right but for now I'm in seventh heaven... I'll enjoy it while it lasts. So do any of you have plans for the weekend? We are having some friends over for a sleepover.. Jenny and Brian Pruitt.. good friends of ours. Saturday my brother has a football game in the morning we are going too and Saturday night we are having a camp out in the back yard and watch Nancy Drew on my laptop. We are so excited because it rained the last time we tried to do it so we had to wait a whole week! Tell me your plans for this weekend... or even the next month. Shatter me... ( writer talk). pics from school time coming soon! All for now. Goodbye, dear readers.